So I've started... Last week at home I started running and aiming to eat healthily. It was pretty tough at home running because it was so hilly and so I only managed a couple of runs of about 4km each, but burnt about 800 calories (or at least that was what Nike+ told me) doing them so that was quite good.
Since coming to University I went running on Monday morning, doing 3.24km and only burning just over 300 calories. This was a bit pathetic but I was knackered so decided to stop.
Then last night I went to the swimming pool with a couple of friends and did a bit of a workout there.
The workout involved:
- 2 lengths Breaststroke using only your legs
- 2 lengths Breaststroke using only your arms
- 2 lengths Front Crawl using only your legs
- 1 minute treading water with Breast Stroke legs
- 30 seconds treading water by running on the spot
- 30 seconds treading water with Front Crawl legs
Then today I woke up at 7.30 and decided I was too comfy to go for a run. I got out of bed at 8.30 with the intention of going straight into the shower then getting breakfast. However someone was in the shower and I suddenly thought "you're not going to shift the fat by not running". So I got into my running gear and went for a nice run of about 4km and 400 calories and feel so much better for it! This is a picture of me after the run, a little sweaty...
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